I am currently teaching mathematics at a college for accounting and occasionally logic at the University of Vienna.
I recieved my Ph.D. in logic from the University of Leeds under the supervision of Prof. Michael Rathjen.
I am also doing a second Ph.D. at the University of Vienna supervised by Prof. Richard Heinrich about Marsilio Ficino.
I can be reached at: michael (dot) toppel (at) bildung (dot) gv (dot) at
Research Interests
- the Ramsey-Carnap approach to scientific theories
- natural philosophy and magic in the Long Middle Ages
- medieval logical theories (John Buridan)
- the philosophy of formal systems and logic
- ordinal analysis and inter-theoretic reduction
Applying Ramseyfication to Infrared Spectroscopy
Michael Toppel
Erkenntnis, Volume 88, 2023, pp. 3357–3373
On Relating Theories: Proof-Theoretical Reduction
M. Toppel, M. Rathjen
Springer, Mathesis Universalis, Computability and Proof, 2019, pp. 311-331
Academic Texts
MA-Thesis (in Philosophy): A Solution to the Application Problem of Mathematics by Ramseyfication.
University of Vienna (2020)
Supervisor: Georg Schiemer
There is a respond to Otsuka's book (2019) included.
PhD-Thesis (in Mathematics): Complexities of Proof-Theoretical Reductions.
University of Leeds (2016)
Supervisor: Michael Rathjen
MSc-Thesis (in Mathematics): Syntactical Consistency Proofs for Term Induction Revisited.
University of Vienna (2011)
Supervisor: Jakob Kellner, Matthias Baaz
Podcast and Radio Appearances
- An nichts Glauben? - Knödltalk mit Michael. (2023) by Uppermedia
- Wieviel Mathe braucht ein Philosoph? (2017) by David Wagner
I am a Member of:
Kim de l'Horizon inflicted Damage on Contemporary Paganism
Kim de l'Horizon is a Swiss writer, who became famous and therefore someway influential by winning the German Book Prize 2022 with their novel Blutbuch. Unfortunately several false and damaging claims were made in the column Kims Hexenapotheke in the ...
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The case of David Wolpe – a missed opportunity for the official Pagan community
On December 25 (2023) the Rabbi David Wolpe published the article “The Return of the Pagans” in The Atlantic. He defined Paganism as “the worship of natural forces ... [in] two forms: the deification of nature and the deification of force.” He identifi...
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My reaction to an internal conflict in the German GWUP concerning Matauranga Maori
A Reaction to "Atheistisch glauben" by Hartmut von Sass
In his new book "Atheistisch glauben" (believing atheistically) the theologian Hartmut von Sass describes how one can stay by the Christian faith without holding a theistic stance. I react to this as a pagan Atheist and member of the Austrain Atheistic...
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The 2023 evaluation of the math curriculum in Austria
The reevaluation of high school curricula for Austrian schools occurs every ten years. This decade's evaluation is happening 2023. My advisory opinion as a logician and teacher (on my own initiative) can be found here.
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